
Amber Heard sanoo koiran tehneen läjän Johnny Deppin sängylle

Siis ei Heard itse

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Johnny Deppin oikeustaistoa entistä vaimoaan Amber Heardia vastaan käydään edelleen, ja tätä viihdettä seuraa koko maailma. Huomiota on herättänyt muun muassa yksityiskohta, jossa Amber Heard olisi kieräyttänyt satsin "äkkää" Deppin puolelle parin yhteistä sänkyä. Tuotoksesta on myös kuvatodiste.

Depp kuvaili löytöään seuraavien sanakääntein: "On my side of the bed was human fecal matter. I laughed. It was so outside. It was so bizarre and so grotesque that I could only laugh."

Heard kuitenkin kuvaili tilannetta toisin. "Äkkä" olikin koiran. Tämä olisi kuitenkin mahdotonta ottaen huomioon tuotoksen koon.

"She had eaten Johnny's weed when she was a puppy, and had bowel control issues for her entire life, among some other issues... So, she had some control issues, hence why she liked to burrow in the bed. She liked to be by the foot of the bed underneath the covers. It was customary that they slept in bed with his, with Boo having the issues she had, we had to leave her in bed so she wouldn't be encouraged to go to the bathroom, which would happen almost immediately once you put her down on the floor, and sometimes it happened in bed, too... I didn't notice anything but we left them in the bed while we packed a bag to go to Coachella so that Boo, particularly, didn't go to the bathroom on the floor. So we leave them in bed until we're ready to take them outside to the patio."

Näin Hollywoodissa.

Amber Heard sanoo koiran tehneen läjän Johnny Deppin sängylle

Kiitokset, Ladbible

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