Ghost Recon Frontline

Ubisoftin mukaan Ghost Recon Frontlinessa ei pääse maksamalla voittoon

Gamereactorin haastattelu sen paljasti.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Ubisoftilla on työn alla Ghost Recon Frontline, ja tulossa on isolla kartalla Battle Royale -toimintaa. Mukana on useitakin ominaisuuksia, joilla peli erottuu kilpailijoistaan. Esimerkiksi mukana ei ole pienenevää pelialuetta.

Gamereactor pääsi haastattelemaan Ubisoft Bucharestin Stefan Marinescua siitä, miten live service -peli otetaan tällä kertaa.

"Frontline will have seasons. We'll have a new season every three months when the game goes live. Each season will bring new features, it's something that we'll be able to bring more info on in the future. I will not talk about them right now. But, every season will come with new stuff for players to explore, so yes, it has a battle pass system, which I want to touch on a little so that people understand this is not a pay-to-win under any circumstance. Everything in the battle pass is strictly visual. It's all about customising your characters, making them look better but they give absolutely zero benefits when it comes to playing the game or winning the game."

Ghost Recon Frontline

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