Dead Space Remake

Uusi Dead Space jää ilman lataustaukoja

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Kun Playstation 5:n ja Xbox Series X:n (ja S:n) julkaisu lähestyi, kuluttajille lupailtiin, että latausajat ovat mennyttä maailmaa. Näin ei tapahtunut, joskin latausajat kyllä selvästi lyhenivät. Nyt sitten IGN:lle puhunut tulossa olevan uusiksi tehdyn Dead Spacen luova ohjaaja Roman Campos-Oriola on kertonut, että se uusi Dead Space jää ilman lataustaukoja.

"We want to make that immersion even deeper with a fully interactive experience, from the start screen to the end credits. We don't want anything to pull you out of the experience and we don't want any cuts. There's not going to be any loading. There's not going to be any moment where we're going to cut your experience, where we're going to cut your camera. You can play it from the start screen to the end credits seamlessly."

Parempi teknologia mahdollistaa tietenkin myös sellaisten visioiden toteuttamisen, johon Visceral Games ei aikoinaan pystynyt.

"We started with the original level design of the original Dead Space. What's funny is that you can see some of the iterations that were made prior to ship by the team. In the first chapter, you can see some corridors that they wanted to do first in a certain way, and then you can understand why they changed it for technical constraints."

Dead Space Remake

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