Marvel's Avengers

Marvel's Avengersissa on pieniä eroja Playstation 5 ja Xbox Series X -versioiden kesken

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Viime viikolla Square Enix julkaisi viimeinkin päivityksen Marvel's Avengersiin, joka ottaa ilon irti myös Playstation 5.llä ja Xbox Series X:llä (ja S:llä). Jos on pelin hankkinut jo Playstation 4:lle tai Xbox Onelle, on päivitys uuden konsolisukupolven loistoon ilmainen. Katso lisätietoa täällä.

Mutta kuinka Playstation 5:n ja Xbox Series X:n versiot pärjäävät vertailussa toistensa kanssa, ja kuinka Xbox Series S pysyy menossa mukana? Digital Foundry on nyt tehnyt testit.

Quality modella pelattuna niin Playstation 5 kuin Xbox Series X rullaavat tasolla 4K + 30 fps, ja Xbox Series S:llä 1440p + 30 fps.

Performance modella tilanne muuttuu. Niin Playstation 5 kuin Xbox Series X tavoittelevat natiivia 4K-kuvaa, kun taas Xbox Series S on välillä 720p ja 1080p kera "checkerboard renderingin".

"What this means is that the Sony platform can resolve higher pixel counts in like-for-like content thanks to its checkerboard solution, but for various reasons, Series X delivers a crisper picture. Both still use dynamic resolution scaling, with Series X working with a generally wider DRS window. Owing to its checkerboard solution, PS5's UI scales with resolution too, which looks a touch odd."

Muitakin eroja Playstation 5:n ja Xbox Series X -versioiden kesken on.

"PS5 has post-process elements that operate at a much lower resolution - and Avengers is a post-process heavy game. Components like motion blur and depth of field are affected, looking noticeably blockier than the Xbox equivalents. Texture resolution can also be impacted in some scenarios too, where it seems that checkerboard rendering may not play as nicely with dynamic resolution scaling than the native Xbox equivalent. All together, Playstation 5 in performance mode has more obvious image quality concessions that become more evident as the effects work scales up."

Ruudunpäivityksen suhteen lukema on kautta linjan 60 fps, mutta erojakin on.

Playstation 5 can hold its 60fps a little tighter than the Xbox consoles during intense destruction - presumably owing to more overhead from the checkerboard rendering solution - but the actual drops to performance on the Microsoft platform are minimal and barely noticeable."

Latausajat ovat kokeneet suurimman parannuksen. Kun ennen latailtiin yli minuutti, nykyään odottelua on nelisen sekuntia Playstation 5:llä, ja kuutisen sekuntia Xbox Series X:llä (ja S:llä).

"The two approaches the developer has chosen for rendering the performance mode certainly offer up very different results. Xbox Series X looks clearer and cleaner, a state of affairs offset only by variations in performance that barely register."

Marvel's Avengers

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