Hitman 3

Hitman 3 on jo nyt alkanut tuottamaan voittoa

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* Pakollinen tieto

Hitman 3 oli kallis projekti, mutta riski kannatti IO Interactivelle. Vain viikko julkaisunsa jälkeen studio on voinut ilmoittaa pelin alkaneen tuottamaan voittoa. Asian paljasti toimitusjohtaja Hakan Abrak Games Industrylle. Kehityskustannukset on nyt katettu, ja jatkossa taloon tulee silkkaa voittoa.

"We have been really happy with the Hitman 3 journey. It has been a labor of love between our fans and everyone at the studio. As the developer and publisher, we are immensely proud that we can say Hitman 3 is already profitable. We have recouped the total project costs in less than a week. That puts us in a really good place and allows us to confidently move forward with our ambitious plans for future projects."

IO Interactive julkaisi itse pelinsä, ja kokee tämän olleen oikea ratkaisu.

"That combination makes us very effective as a publisher because we have our creative and development teams working closely with publishing and marketing throughout the entire project. We need that collaboration because we all want to create a quality product.

We demand of each other that our games are hand-crafted, meticulously detailed and unique. At this point, we'd be doing our community a disservice if we delivered anything less than that. They're used to us setting a really high bar for quality and memorable experiences, so we keep that mentality at the front of our mind, not only for Hitman but also our future projects."

Gamereactorin arvion Hitman 3:sta voi lukea täällä.

Hitman 3

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Hitman 3Score

Hitman 3

ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Ossi Mykkänen

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