
Quantic Dreamin pomo ei sulje pois jatko-osien mahdollisuutta

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Elokuvallisista peleistään tunnettu Quantic Dream on tavannut saada peleistään ristiriitaisia arvioita. Siitä huolimatta firman teoksilla on oma vakaa kannattajakuntansa. Quantic Dream tunnetaan myös siitä, että he hyvin harvoin tekevät jatko-osia omiin peleihinsä. Studiopomo David Cage on nyt sanonut WCCFTechille, ettei ajatus jatko-osista ole poissuljettu. Kunhan vain tarinan osalta on jotain aidosti hyvää sanottavaa.

"I do not have any issue with sequels, as long as there is something more to say about the world or the characters. Doing sequels simply because it will be profitable has never been our mindset. We totally understand that having an established brand will save a lot of marketing expenses and will raise awareness about the title faster because there are already set expectations and that the promise is clear. However, for me, the only valuable reason to work on a project that will take four years of my life is to find an idea that I feel I have to do at any price. It may sound naïve from a CEO with 20 years in the industry, but I continue to think that any project should be heart-felt."

Quantic Dreamin pomo ei sulje pois jatko-osien mahdollisuutta

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