
Take-Two-pomon mukaan sekä Sony että Microsoft panostavat aggressiivisesti sisältöön uusilla konsoleillaan

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Take-Two-pomo Strauss Zelnickin haastattelut ovat aina kiinnostavia siksi, että miehellä on ajoittain melko teräviä mielipiteitä pelialasta. Protocolin haastattelu jatkaa tätä samaa linjaa.

Zelnickin mukaan sekä Sony että Microsoft lähestyvät uuden konsolisukupolven aloitusta hyvin aggressiivisesti. Microsoft ei halua toistoa edellisen sukupolven alulle, jossa Sony sai etumatkan.

"So far it looks to me as though they're both approaching this launch very aggressively. We've always worked happily with both parties. We would like to see both be very successful.

In certain parts of the world, as you know, Sony had a preferred position last time around. I think Microsoft is working very, very hard to see that that's not repeated. I think it will be a challenge in Asia, where Sony's dominated. But if I had to guess, I think Microsoft is going to do very well."

Zelnickin mukaan Sony panostaa ennen kaikkea sisältöön, ja sama näyttää olevan myös Microsoftin strategia päätellen ostetuista studioista Xbox Game Studiosille.

"I think you're going to see that [Sony] will be very aggressive on the content side and on the marketing side. They are going to focus, as they always do, on aiming at an advantage on the content side.

But Microsoft's trying to do the same thing; as you know, Microsoft has bought some studios. There's a lot of stuff that they own and control. Perhaps they'll do more of that. They have a great balance sheet."

Take-Two on jo päättänyt nostaa peliensä hintoja seuraavalla laitepolvella. Perusteluksi kerrotaan pelien tuotantokustannuksien kasvu.

"The bottom line is that we haven't seen a front-line price increase for nearly 15 years, and production costs have gone up 200 to 300%. But more to the point since no one really cares what your production costs are, what consumers are able to do with the product has completely changed.

We deliver a much, much bigger game for $60 or $70 than we delivered for $60 10 years ago. The opportunity to spend money online is completely optional, and it's not a free-to-play title. It's a complete, incredibly robust experience even if you never spend another penny after your initial purchase."

Take-Two-pomon mukaan sekä Sony että Microsoft panostavat aggressiivisesti sisältöön uusilla konsoleillaan

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