Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Assassin's Creed Valhalla ja sen 25 erilaista vihollistyyppiä

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla julkaistaan 17. marraskuuta 2020. Kehitystiimi on keskittynyt aiempaa enemmän taisteluihin, ja sehän merkitsee tarvetta monipuoliselle viholliskatraalle. Suunnittelija Darby McDevitt on paljastanut Gaming Boltille, että niitä vihollistyyppejä tulee olemaan kaikkiaan 25 erilaista.

"Eivor will have to face a great variety of enemies. Not only does Assassin's Creed Valhalla feature 25 different enemy archetypes, we also implemented a defense system, so players can take advantage of enemies' weak points to open them up to brutal finishers. Each enemy archetype has a unique way of challenging the player. For example, some will have the ability to coordinate with each other for special attacks, while others will use objects in their surroundings to their advantage. Some enemies might even adapt to what players are doing during the fight, and find ways to defend themselves. Enemies will also show their personality during combat. Some of them might be intimidated by Eivor and will try to keep the player at bay, while others will be more determined, and will do whatever they can to finish off their target even if it means taking damage themselves."

Assassin's Creed Valhalla

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