The Last of Us: Part II

Ohjaajan mukaan The Last of Us: Part III tulisi olemaan vielä vaikeampi tehdä kuin The Last of Us: Part II

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* Pakollinen tieto

Naughty Dog ei ole varmistanut, että The Last of Us: Part III olisi työn alla. Ohjaaja Neil Druckmann kertoi Indie Wirelle, että kolmannen pelin tekeminen tulisi olemaan vielä vaikeampaa kuin nyt ulos saadun toisen osan tekeminen. Saa nähdä, saadaanko The Last of Us: Part III -peliä koskaan.

"I'll be a little vague and cagey as you can expect, but I think the test for whether or not to make a Part III would have to be a similar test to what we did with Part II. With the first game there were no expectations and it was like we could do anything. But now that we've established certain characters and themes and processes, it felt like to justify making a Part II we had to do something not that fans would just be comfortable with, but do something that would match the emotional core we found in the first game. And without that, there'd be no reason to do a Part III."

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The Last of Us: Part II

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