Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Ubisoft esittelee runsaasti Assassin's Creed Valhallan pelattavuutta ennen pelin julkaisua

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* Pakollinen tieto

Ubisoft esitteli taannoin tulossa olevan Assassin's Creed Valhallan pelattavuutta videolla, joka ei sisältänyt lainkaan pelattavuutta. Ohjaaja Ashraf Ismail on kertonut asiasta lisää Washington Postille sanoen, että syksyn aikana ennen pelin julkaisua nähdään runsaasti sitä oikeaa pelattavuutta.

Tuleva syksy näyttää, miten paljon sitä pelattavuutta lopulta paljastuu.

"My focus is on building the game and building this experience and, kind of, setting the vision and the intentions of this experience. We have marketing teams, it's their job to market the games. People need to - again, when I say have patience with us - people need to remember we just announced the game about two weeks ago. So there's a long road in front of us. People should not at all doubt they will see a plethora of gameplay."

"Most people don't realize that from a development standpoint, there is a need to pace that out because at some point the team needs to be focused on building the game. And that's where my energy goes and my team's energy goes - into building that game and making sure we can reach moments where we can say, 'Hey, you know what? We're going to take a chunk of that game and show it to people."

Assassin's Creed Valhalla

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