Silent Hills

Huhuilun mukaan Sonylla työn alla uusi Silent Hill

Tilaa uutiskirjeemme tästä!

* Pakollinen tieto

Konamin ympärillä on pyörinyt jos jonkinlaista huhua viime aikoina, eikä verkkoporina ota laantuakseen. Nyt sitten tunnettu vuotaja ja huhuilija Dusk Golem on jälleen lörpötellyt Reset Erassa, että Sonylla ja Konamilla olisi työn alla uusi Silent Hill -kauhupeli.

"Sony had the thought and talked with Konami still looking to fund two SH games that they could get in contact and develop a game. Toyama would be able to make a horror game like he wanted, it'd be behind an IP many would like to see Toyama work on and has more market share than Siren or another new IP does, Konami just want a quality SH game to help their reputation get back on track and been shipping around for the "right pitch". The deal was negotiated in early 2019, Sony Japan Studio is developing it composed of the Siren/Gravity Rush team, but they also contacted a lot of people who worked on Silent Hill previously to help with it, which is why people like Akira and Masahiro Ito are on board as well."

Tietoon tulee toki suhtautua terveellä epäluulolla aina viralliseen julkistukseen saakka.

Silent Hills

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